Sometimes you may not find the unit you're looking for in the community's verified list of units. Whenever this happens, you can manually create the unit yourself prior to checking out. A few examples of this are the sale of a parking space or boat slip, or the purchase of an unimproved lot that doesn't have a mailing address yet, however there may be other scenarios where you need to manually create missing unit.
If the unit you are looking for does not populate from the list, follow these alternative steps:
- Start by choosing the Community name instead of typing the unit address

- Select the appropriate product from the list of available documents, and then click "Order Now"
- Click "I Can't find my property"
- Search for the address again and select from the list if the address is found.
Note that the address search will only work if the property you are searching for is for a residential unit/existing mailing address. If you need to order for a parking space or boat slip, skip to "manually enter address instead"
- Click "Manually enter address instead"
- Enter the address information
- Example: Parking Space 27, 123 Main Street, Some City, State, 12345
- Click "Confirm Property"

From this point on you may continue entering the remaining information required and place your order.
Still need assistance? Please contact our Shopper Support team at 833-462-3627 or via email at [email protected].