You may have logged in to check the status of your order and see the status is listed as blocked, or you may have received an email stating the same. There could be a few reasons for this, such as our preparers are missing a required document, there's an issue with a payment, or our team was unable to verify some information in the order.  See below for how to resolve.


  • Review the details provided and take the appropriate action 

The reason for a blocked order can vary.  It could be a missing required document, a discrepancy with the seller name, a payment issue, or an issue with the property/unit address.  The reason along with the requested action will always be listed in the order details.

Missing Document(s) or Seller name discrepancy

  • If the block reason is for a missing document or a discrepancy in the current owner name, scroll to the Required Documents section of the order and upload the requested information.
To clear a name discrepancy, a copy of the deed reflecting the current owner may be requested. 

  • Once you have provided the information, scroll back up to the top of the order and click "I've resolved these issues".

  • Add your comment/explanation and then click "Submit"

Payment Issue

  • If there was an issue with a credit card payment, it may be necessary to cancel an existing payment and enter a new one.  To complete this, scroll to the payment section of your order, click "Cancel", then click "OK".

  • Proceed to enter the new card information and then back up to the top of the order to mark that the issue has been resolved.

Unverified unit address

  • If the block reason is due to an address that could not be verified by our team, scroll down to the property information in your order to replace with a verified unit address.

  • Once you have provided the information, scroll back up to the top of the order and click "I've resolved these issues".

That's it!  You're done!  The order status will update and our team will review the new information to continue preparing the document order.

Didn't find what you were looking for?  Contact our Shopper Support Team at 833-462-3627 or [email protected].