Does your order require a document be uploaded before the order can be delivered?  This article can help.


Downloading a required document

While placing your order, you may have noticed that there is a required document listed.  

  • Click "download" to retrieve the document.  

Forget to download the document before proceeding with placing the order?  That's okay, you can also download it after the order has been placed in the order details.

  • Log in to the Marketplace if you have not done so already
  • Locate the order and click "View Details" 

  • Scroll to the "Required Documents" section and then click "download form"

Uploading a required document

  • Visit the Marketplace and log in to your account with your email and password.
  • Once logged in, you will see all of your orders listed.  Click "View Details" of the order to which you need to add a document.

  • Scroll to the "Required Documents" section and click "Add New Document"

  • Click "Upload", select the file, and then click "Create"

Upload the wrong file by mistake?  No worries, you can replace the existing document if you need to.

  • Click "Replace" and then select the alternate/correct file

Didn't find what you were looking for?  Contact our Shopper Support Team at 833-462-3627 or [email protected].