If you have multiple system users that are assigned to specific communities, this article will explain how each user can filter their view on the orders page to only see the orders relevant to them.


Step 1: Subscribe to notifications

IMPORTANT! The filtered view on the orders page will be tied to the Community notification set up for each user.
  • Users will first need to subscribe to Community Notifications.  Please see our solution article related to this topic.
  • System Administrators may also assign and un-assign other system users if needed.  Administrators can navigate to the Notifications page to complete this.

Step 2: Set up filters from the order page

  • Navigate to the orders tab to select your filtered view by choosing the notification type you need to see.  For example, if you are a preparer assigned to specific Communities, select "Preparer" to ONLY see the orders you are responsible for.
  • Once you have selected your notification type, automatic filters will pull in for the Communities you have subscribed to in the first step
TIP: You also may add a filter to the order status to further narrow down your view.

Step 3: Bookmark your filter view

  • After you have selected your filters, bookmark the page to save the view and quickly access it without having to set your filters again.

TIP: You can bookmark multiple filtered views if needed