General Information 

The Financials report was created to give an overview of the community archives company revenue and feedback from shoppers. 

  •  If you have any feedback or suggestions about the reporting please submit them to Client support ([email protected]).

Company Overview

The Company Overview page shows an overview of the company revenue of orders based on company. This page can be filtered by company and date. Below is a screenshot of how the page looks:



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This page shows the order volume percentage as well as orders delivered, total revenue, revenue per order and order revenue by company.

Resale Revenue MoM

The Resale Revenue MoM page shows the community archives resale revenue by company month over month. This page can be filtered by company and date. Below is a screenshot of how the page looks:



Graphical user interface

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This page shows the total resale revenue and resale revenue by company.

Order Overview

The Order Overview page shows an overview of the company order volume by company. It shows orders placed, orders delivered, total order revenue and on time delivery percentage. It also shows orders pending. This page can be filtered by company and date.



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This page shows the orders delivered by product type. To switch to pending orders, click on the green "Completed" button on the top right corner.

This page shows pending orders placed and potential order revenue. To switch to completed orders, click on the red "Pending" button on the top right corner.

Order Trending WoW

The Order Trending WoW shows the number of orders trending by product and region. The line chart shows orders placed this year comparing to orders placed last year.


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Shopper Feedback

The Shopper Feedback page shows responses from shoppers based on company. The page can be filtered by word category and there is a promoter score.

This page can be used to get a sense of how well the customer service is based on the company.